Everyday Expenses Which Can Be Avoided
Don't ever skimp on your dog! His/her happiness is paramount. But there are some other expenses you can cut back on...

SEC Proposed Rule 6c-11
New rules are typically bad for business, but rule 6c-11 as proposed by the SEC would actually be great for the ETF industry!

What's a CD & Should I Buy One
I learned this as a young pup and it's very important. In finance speak, a CD is a certificate of deposit. You give a bank some money, t

Simple Steps: How To Purchase Stock
This article provides the simple steps to purchase a share of stock in your favorite company

What Is An ETF? & How Do I Invest In An ETF?
Simple steps to better understand what an ETF is and how to identify the best ETF for you.

Mutual Funds versus Exchange Traded Funds
This post will help you compare ETFs and mutual funds to learn which is better for you.

What Is A 529 Plan? Is It Right For You?
All about 529 plans and how to decide if they are right for you.

Let's Save Some Money - Part 4 of 4
Saving for retirement - a high level overview

Let's Save Some Money - Part 3 of 4
You've mastered saving cash in a jar and the ins and outs of checking and savings accounts, now it's time to learn about investment

Let's Save Some Money - Part 2 of 4
Chase pays 0.01% per year on deposits.... Other banks pay 170 times as much... However, we believe it is important to use both.